Value does not fall within the expected range
Time introduced some strange problem. I needed to build a list with a lookup field. So build fields.. Then create content type.. and than a list detention.... Just.. Piece of cake. As you know, Lookup field problem must be linked to an existing list. So checking founder of the source list and then create the field. Something that looks like the following code plus or minus < Field Type ="LookupMulti" DisplayName ="Your List" Required ="FALSE" EnforceUniqueValues ="FALSE" Direction ="None" List ="Lists/YourList" ShowField ="Title" Mult ="TRUE" Sortable ="FALSE" UnlimitedLengthInDocumentLibrary ="FALSE" Group ="YourGroup" ID ="{448f00a7-6cb5-4340-985f-990dd354f135}" SourceID ="{1ce2cabb-bea1-4137-aee8-b4f12b17abcc}" StaticName ="YourName" Name ="YourName" Version ="3" /> The ...