
Showing posts from January, 2016

The URL is invalid. It may refer to a nonexistent file or folder, or refer to a valid file or folder that is not in the current Web at SharePoint

I recently had the following error when I tried to add a document to a document library. The URL <file name>  is invalid. It may refer to a nonexistent file or folder, or refer to a valid file or folder that is not in the current Web.  A quick search on google said that brought the resources of SQL Server. I checked and indeed I increased the resources but to no avail. Even my examination chrome and Internet Explorer. I checked Word file, PDF, and even a small text file. A.  Nothing helped. I opened a new document library, and in fact it could add document :)  Ok ... what is the problem ???  It should be noted in the document library came from List Definition and Content Type preset. I started to check each field and field Then I got a Date Field in the file probably was not his elemet.xml incubated right.  When I set it to Today date .... it worked  All it needed was simply to write the true definition of the field  ...