
Showing posts from 2020

Text To Speech (TTS) and Audio file with NativeScript

In my game - My first game  (game for children), that created with NativeScript, I use audio and speak services. The NativeScript is platform that use to develop an android (or IOS) app with angular and TypeScript. Here is the class the use for Audio and Speak with NativeScript. The speak if Text To Speech (TTS) from google. The audio is mp3 file import  {  TNSTextToSpeech ,  SpeakOptions  }  from   "nativescript-texttospeech" ; import  {  TNSPlayer ,  AudioPlayerOptions  }  from   "nativescript-audio-player" ; import   *   as   timer   from   "tns-core-modules/timer" ; import  {  Injectable  }  from   "@angular/core" ; import   *   as   firebase   from   "nativescript-plugin-firebase" ; @ Injectable ({    providedIn :   "root" , }) export   class   AudioAndSpeak  {    public   audioTrackDuration :  ...

Game built in Angular and Typescript- for Android users with NativeScript

During the corona virus vacation, I took the time to learn something new- NetiveScript. I took a course - at one of the best in the market - Maximilian Schwarzmüller. I built a game for my girls. For Hebrew speakers Ages 2-4 they will learn Colors, Shapes and Animals. Ages  4-6 who will teach Numbers and Letters Ages  6-9 who will teach addition and multiplication .. and learning English in stages ... Letters Numbers, Colors, Shapes and Animals. For English speakers, the same thing only in English. Now because everything is object-based .. I tried another language - Spanish .. In the meantime, there are only Numbers and Animals. The game itself is written in angular and typescript. It has 3 main components. Component for choosing a language, Component for chose a game and of course Component of the game itself.. NativeScript gives me, as a web developer...

SharePoint Service Provisioning - the service stuck on starting

When I tried to run SharePoint service - Manage Metadata Web Service on the Central Admin ... I wait and still Staring (Stuck)... So again I ran the command (From SharePoint PowerShell) Get-SPServiceInstance -Server SERVERNAME| where-object  {$_.TypeName -eq "Managed Metadata Web Service"} | Start-SPServiceInstance -confirm:$false > $null And I got the Error Start-SPServiceInstance : An object of the type Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPServiceInstanceJobDefinition named "job-service-instance-ba7339e3-fb42-49c4-ac66-ab08e84eae0f" already exists under the parent Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPTimerService named "SPTimerV4".  Rename your object or delete the existing object. At line:1 char:111 + ... eb Service"} | Start-SPServiceInstance -confirm:$false > $null +                    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  ...